How to Get it Right!
The Do's and The Don'ts
For parents whose child recently came out
A clear and concise guide of 'What to say and What not to say' when someone tells you they are LGBTIQA+ 
It's never too late. This guide will ensure you never make that awkward, uncomfortable or upsetting mistake again. And more importantly it will send a clear message of love, acceptance and kindness to your loved one. 
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I am so grateful to you for all that you've done for my family and I. When XXXX  told me they were gay, I know that I messed up in my response. I was shocked and worried. But, now, thanks to you, I am more confident in saying and doing the 'right' thing. Not because you told me to, but because you helped me to understand how they were feeling and why I was feeling the way I was. I also now get the importance of language and why it upset them so much when I used certain words. I don't do that anymore.  
XXXX recently invited me to go to Pride with them, which never would've happened before. 
Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Kerry P - mother of a 28 year old gay person 
(child's name removed and family name withheld for privacy)
WITH THIS Do's & Don'ts guide, I'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO:
send a clear message of love and support
When you make the effort to use language that feels comfortable to your child, it reassures them that you understand and you care.
Saying the 'wrong' thing might not seem too bad to you. However if you are the tenth person who has said 'that thing' today, or this week, it can be frustrating, at best and devastating, at worst. 
Making the effort to better understand your child and learn what they need, is one of the best ways to rebuilding or deepening your connection with them. 
There's nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're walking on egg shells. If you don't understand what you're saying wrong, or why it's not ok, then how can you change it? This guide will change all of that for you. No more egg shells, unless it's time for breakfast :)
and more...
Hi, I'm Tracy Whitmore, a nationally recognised therapist, coach and advocate for LGBTIQA+ people and their families. I help parents better understand their child's experience deepening their connection more than ever before.

This free 'Do's & Don'ts' guide will create open, friction free communication between you and your child. You will no longer feel like you are walking on egg shells or upsetting your child, without realising why or how. And your child will know unequivocally that you love and support them, unconditionally. 

If you have a child who is LGBT+ I would highly encourage you to touch base with Tracy. Whether you're struggling a lot or just seem to keep 'putting your foot in your mouth', like I did, she can help you. I have a much better understanding of my child's experience now and I know what makes us both tick. 
I feel like our relationship can now thrive, not just get by. Tracy, I can't thank you enough.
~ Pauline T
Love Love Love your program. It's made a huge difference to our whole family. Alex and I even go shopping together now.
~ Jessie K
Thank you for everything. It's so nice to see Katie smile again. It felt like such a momentous task, however in the end, it was just about reconnecting with her, with myself and what was important. Oh, and making an effort to alter my language. I would definitely recommend working with Tracy. 
~ Ruth F
No more walking on egg shells, angry outbursts or feelings of frustration.
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